Ce membre a des photos invalides ?
Par chriss87, le 06/07/2008 20:15:21 : dis donc ca fait 7 ans que t'es sur le site lol !
allez un 10
Note morale attribuée : 10/10
Par the-x-flo, le 23/06/2007 00:31:56 : ±±±±±±

Life is a river winding steadily through the landscape of tomorrow. There are those who would steal a glimpse around the next bend and those who would fight the current.

But the wisest are those who turn their eyes from the waters and seek out a fellow traveller to share in the journey.


Perhaps at the end of life's journey, another begins. Two hearts, two minds, two souls... one destiny.

Note morale attribuée : 10/10
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